
Search Engine Advertising (PPC)

Direct qualified visitors to your website with Search Engine Advertising, known as Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC). Web search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN offer the option of paying to get your site listed at the top of their search results.

Search engine marketing is an active marketing strategy, because with search engines, a potential customer has actively indicated their interest in a certain product or service by their having typed it into the search engine. By identifying the keyword phrases individuals are most likely to enter into search engines when looking for products and services like yours, then reserving those keywords in programs like Google’s AdWords, you can direct very targeted visitors to your website. When set up correctly, this can result in great conversion rates and very cost effective advertising.

With a smart advertisement campaign, it’s not uncommon to generate 10 dollars in revenue for every advertising dollar spent. In addition, all activity is tracked so you can determine what is effective and what is not effective for your advertising.

B2 Software will help you set up an effective, smart Search Engine Advertising campaign. Contact us today to see an increase in qualified potential customers to your website!